Sexy Times- Totally Not Depressing…

Fucking Up Love So You Don't Have To!

Spice Up Your Sex Life With Your Favorite Solo Moves

As much as us “singles” are envious of those of you who get to quarantine with your chosen partner, I can only imagine the reality is a bit more… suffocating… than the fantasy we have in our desperately horny single minds.

If you’re one of those people who LOVE quarantining with your partner, totally, definitely, 100%, but… you know… maybe you miss your masturbation habits, and not to mention, the quality of sex has quietly moved to “upkeep,” territory, I have some good news for you!

You can keep your dirty little secrets AND have exciting, satisfying sex with your partner AT THE SAME TIME!

There’s no question that sex between two people has unlimited potential for passion, pleasure, and (hopefully) intense orgasms. The flow of bodies moving together in rhythmic patterns, looking into a partners eyes and actually seeing pleasure on their face, the closeness of it all.

Yes. Sex, indeed, is an intrinsically joyous act.

There are, however, times when sex can be quite baffling, and even at times frustrating. For all its beauty and splendor, sex is a very intricate thing and can sometimes produce experiences that leave you feeling unsatisfied.

So, while there will certainly be times when you need nothing more than the mere touch of your partner in order to experience ultimate bliss, there might also be times when you just want a little… extra. Because sex is, you know… complicated.

If you’ve ever found yourself in a position where wanking off on a consistent basis just sounds easier than getting yourself amped up for partnered sex, that is totally and completely fine!!! BUT, if YOU don’t feel fine about it, and you’d like some tips and tricks for getting aroused and getting off by having sex with your mate, here are a few things that you already may be doing solo, that you might not know mix very well with partnered sex!

Include your favorite toy. Using your favorite toy might seem obvious to some people – especially if you’re someone who already dabbles in sexual accessories like whips, ball gags or butt plugs. But for some of the more vanilla folk, it might seem a little taboo. After all, doesn’t your partner already possess everything you will ever need to experience immense pleasure that leads to orgasm? Perhaps, but that doesn’t mean you can’t intensify things by adding the kind of stimulation that you know works every time, without fail. Because as nice as it is to have your SO provide all the, say, clitoral stimulation you’ll ever need, not every position allows for that! A little added pleasure, like from your favorite vibrator, can do wonders for opening you up, increasing the amount of pleasure, and leading you to mind blowing orgasm(s). It’s also a great way to take some of that pressure off your partner, and increase their pleasure by providing them with certainty that you are enjoying the experience as much as they are.

Masturbate. I know. It’s crazy! Isn’t masturbating something that you do shamefully in the corner or bathroom when you have some alone time? Well, yes, but it can be so much more than that, too! Masturbating can come in handy, not just when we’re alone and desperate, but when we want to enjoy a shared experience with our partner. Especially for women, masturbating with the intent to turn your partner (or yourself) on is a great way to initiate sex, but it certainly doesn’t have to end once the sex begins. Mutual masturbation is also a great way to enjoy your partners company, if perhaps you’re not in the mood to get down and dirty in all the other ways. And, if one partner is finished before the other (whether it’s because they just couldn’t hold back the oncoming orgasm, or they simply fell out of the mood somewhere along the way) assisted masturbation (which can be anything from kissing, to petting, to dirty talk, to simply looking like your fine self) is a great way to help your partner achieve their happy ending.

Watch Porn. That’s right… your dirty little secret that you hide from the rest of the world can actually be quite an enjoyable shared experience. As relationships develop and grow, there can often be a lull in the bedroom, and where arousal was once as easily achievable as your partners shooting you that look, after time it can take quite a bit of effort to get yourself or your partner turned on. In other words, it’s not uncommon for one partner to be in the mood while the other partner is not even close. This, of course, doesn’t mean that every time one person is ready to go that the other is expected to catch up, but it’s fair to say that compromising is part of any successful relationship. If you want to have sex, but your body and mind have a hard time tapping in, there’s nothing more erotic than pulling up your favorite, raunchy website to get you there and enjoying it together while you get warmed up… and checking in with it in while it plays in background all the way to your finale! Of course, it helps if you both like the type of porn, but the reality is, even if it’s not your go-to, having the visuals of others performing sex acts is definitely enough to get the party started… and keep the party going for awhile, at that.

Fantasize. Now, I’m not advocating that you become totally lost in your own thoughts 100% of the time that you are with your partner, but from time to time, it’s fun to add some fantasy to your partnered sex life. Besides, it’s easy to get caught up in your head in all the wrong ways during sex. “What’s my body looking like?” or, “am I pleasing my partner?” are just some of the thoughts we have that are powerful enough to take us out of the moment. The reality is, our minds are bound to wonder on occasion, regardless of how much we’re enjoying (or want to be enjoying) the present moment. A great way to enhance your pleasure is to sprinkle in a little bit of imagination while you’re with your partner. The fantasies can even be about your partner! Going back and forth between fantasy and reality, when BOTH are arousing, leads to optimal pleasure, and it’s a wonderful phenomenon that should be utilized on occasion.

If there’s anything I know, it’s that a great partner wants to know that they’re getting it on with someone who is enjoying sex to the maximum degree. That’s where the most profound pleasure of all stems from, and YOU know yourself better than anyone, so why not tap into your personal favorites and enjoy the ride?