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Dating Advice: If one partner in a relationship loses their job, should they be expected to clean the house since they’re now home every day?

I don’t think anybody should be “expected” to do anything… at least not without conversation.

If a partner loses their job, they might need to go through a mourning period, like with most losses. Whether that’s true or not, looking for a new job could wind up taking priority, and there’s the saying “looking for a job is a full time job.”

With that being said, I believe relationships flourish when there’s a balance of what each person is contributing to the relationship. If the dynamic has changed and perhaps knocked the relationship off balance, it’s perfectly normal to have a conversation about reestablishing that balance in a new way. If that’s your preferred way to equalize responsibility then I think it’s perfectly reasonable to ask for.

But honestly, it just depends. How were the cleaning responsibilities delegated prior to the job loss? If your partner has never been the type of person to get their hands dirty with household chores, I don’t think you should expect them to suddenly become Mary Poppins.

In the best case scenario, you kindly and thoughtfully ask them to take on this new responsibility and they agree, maybe even happy about the shift in priorities. Worst case scenario, they don’t want to and tell you to F off, and you’re SOL for now.

Good luck!

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