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Dating Advice: Is infidelity more likely in long distance relationships?

Infidelity is more likely in dishonest or unhappy relationships than in long distance ones.

I don’t believe you can make a blanket statement about long distance relationships being more prone to infidelity because everyone has differing sex drives (and needs and desires) so it really depends on the person.

It also depends on the relationship, and what boundaries you’ve discussed in yours.

For example, some people might not look at fulfilling sexual needs with another person as infidelity, in a long distance situation. They might be more concerned about an emotional affair, and discussed that as their hard line. Hiring a sex worker might be encouraged in a case like this.

In my opinion, I think infidelity happens when one or both people don’t feel comfortable enough to express their needs/desires/boundaries with their partner, and instead just assume that having any amount of needs or desires might be considered a betrayal, when its simply human nature.

With that being said, some people (and I include myself in the category) don’t have a problem going without sexual encounters for long periods of time, as long as (or especially when) they are happy, satisfied and stimulated by their partner from afar.

Does this make me/someone like me a better person or partner than someone with a higher sex drive? Absolutely not! It just means that I/we have different sexual needs.

The most important thing is to be in a relationship that you can discuss these sensitive issues in an open and honest way, without judgment. I truly believe that having a safe place to share your needs, desires and boundaries (rather than assuming that there’s a “normal”) will greatly decrease the likelihood of infidelity.

Good luck!